Friday, May 11, 2012

Belly Breathing for Begginers

Notes from a Therapist desk...

 Inhale through your nose ( for 4 counts) , deeply into the lower belly. Hold this for 4 seconds, then Exhale through your mouth (for 4 counts). Expand your belly so your lower abdomen blows up like a balloon.  Try to keep your upper chest from moving. With beginners  I place a 5 pound bag of rice on their chest to keep it from moving, while they get used to abdominal breathing.  Children instinctively breathe through their belly and somehwere along the way we forget and start shallow breathing in our chest. This is a huge diservice to our body. Take 5 minuets out of your day for yourself to B-R-E-A-T-H-E......You can thank me later:)

5 minuets of propper "belly breathing" a day will:

1. Refresh your day, reboot your brain, and improved stamina in both disease and athletic activity
2. Improved flow of lymph, which is rich in immune cells
3.Prevent infection of the lung and other tissues.
4. Stimulates the relaxation response that results in less tension and an overall sense of well being.
5.Reverses the "stress reaction"
6. Increses mood, and mental clarity
7.Decrease in anxiety, panic attacks, and Obsessive thoughts

While youre breathing think of the following:

1.CLEANSING YOUR BODY—Inhale the fresh, energizing and vibrant. Exhale the stale, toxic and  un-necessary emotions and feelings of the day
2. CONDUCT healing breath into sore parts of your body, and help to alleviate physical pain.
3.Take CALMING slow attentive breaths to quiet you down when you are aggravated and on edge.
4.FIND YOUR CENTER with each inhale and exhale, draw inwards and awaken deeper awareness of who you really are in the moment.
5. For a moment CONNECT your BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT...

When in doubt..... just smile!
Kate xxoo